What we can all learn about life from the great Marlon Brando

Joe Nicolosi
4 min readMay 15, 2019

Marlon Brando is not only one of the most naturally gifted actors of the last century, but also was a man who possessed an extremely deep awareness of the spiritual realm both inside of him and around him.

I remember seeing “A Streetcar Named Desire” and “On The Waterfront” for the first time and I was captivated by Brando’s on screen presence. From that point I began to study Brando by searching online publications and reading books at the Library written on him.

Here are 5 things we can learn from Brando:

1. All we truly desire at our cores is to be loved and connect on a deep level

Brando became rather bitter towards the entertainment industry, deeming it shallow and vanity driven- something he had surrendered to in his early days of acting.

A “very shy and sensitive” child, Brando grew up feeling unloved with an alcoholic mother and an abusive father. “Inferiority has been very close to me all my life,” he admitted.

Yet Brando transcended his pain, his upbringing, and channeled that onto the screen… the one place where we all felt connected to him and ultimately loved him.

His work of art reminds us all that there is soul left in the world because…



Joe Nicolosi

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